Monday, June 30, 2014

In Class Writing 1

Ten Words That Describe Who I Am.

In Real Life: Creative, Caring, Humorous, Artistic, Down to Earth, Singer, Free Willed, Happy, Loyal and Positive. Online: Funny, Concerned, Outgoing, Happy, Outsider, Judgmental, Creative, Shy, Enthusiastic and Charming. Overview: In person I am shy at first until I get to know you. At times I can be an introvert. I like time to myself to do the things I love. I'm not always hiding in the shadows thought. I love to laugh and make others feel good about themselves. I feel at peace when everyone gets along. Online I am just what you would say a regular person. I enjoy finding out what is happening in others lives rather than sharing what is going on in my own. When I do post information online it is generally snip-its and pictures of my life. I don't post to make others jealous, I post for myself and for whomever cares. I believe important information and major events in life don't necessarily have to be posted.

Journal Entry 2

Class number two was on Wednesday June 28, 2014. I missed the first class so luckily I had classmates fill me in. I learned we were to make this blog for class. I'm excited, I like the idea of being able to easily post things online. As part of the class we have a theme based mostly on the internet and technology. I look forward to class three.

Journal Entry 1

Class number one was Monday June 23, 2014. I missed it but don't you worry I made it to class number two.

About Me

Hello There, I'm Rachelle Wencel. I'm a college student at Weber State University. I love to sing and do anything creative. Follow this blog all summer long to tap into what I'm learning in English 1010.